

Programmatic made easy. 




One DSP to rule them all. A single intuitive platform – multiple powerful tools & features. Straight-to-the-point and efficient campaign management for effective programmatic advertising.


All you need for successful programmatic effort in a single bundle. Looking for a sneak peek? Wait no longer! Watch our 2-minute platform overview to learn how it all works.

Performance & Bran-ding Campaigns

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Extensive Reach

Access 70+ bn daily inventory across major SSPs and premium publishers.

Self & Managed Service

Excercise full control or lay back and let us take care of your campaigns.


Leverage the benefits of all media channels and formats: display, video, native, CTV & audio.

18 Targeting Criteria

Reach the right audience at the right time & place with our precise targeting solutions.

Premium Support

Training & on-going support from a team of dedicated account managers.

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The single-site, clean-cut interface will help you master the platform and successfully manage multiple campaigns, ads & settings.

  • Automated Bid Price Optimization
  • Drag & drop mass ad creation
  • Several Pacing Models

Maximize your returns with precise targeting.

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  • More than 18 proprietory Targeting Criteria: Geo & Hyperlocal, Demographics, Supply, Device & OS Types, IAB categories, etc.
  • Efficient retargeting & storytelling with our Segment Targeting tool.
  • Partner DMPs and related audiences: Factual & Adsquare.
  • 3rd party targeting partners.

Instantly optimize campaign performance.

Track and assess your campaign performance with real-time analytics:

  • Diverse reporting metrics & filters
  • Flexible display granularity settings
  • All currencies & time zones supported
  • Excel Export & reporting API available

All creative formats supported.

Drive conversions with engaging creatives. Leverage the quality & creativity of major ad formats and tell your brand’s story.

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  • Intuitive & transparent Native Ads’ UI

  • Score more impressions with Asset Recommendation & Delivery Hints

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Create winning advertising campaigns.

It can take as little as few minutes and several easy steps to create a winning campaign with LiquidM DSP: set a campaign, create & configure ads, and, finally, check the reporting to optimize returns. Want to see how it works? Scroll down and request a demo by filling our contact form. We’ll gladly get back to you and arrange a live demo accompanied by a detailed walkthrough of the platform features. 


We are integrated with the world’s leading SSPs and Ad Exchanges. Target premium inventory of more than 40 major global and local SSPs to access our 70+ Billion daily inventory.  Worldwide reach, brand-safe environment, and high-quality marketplace guaranteed.

Check the complete list of our supply partners, data and tracking integrations, and TV Sync associates.


Located in the heart of Berlin, LiquidM is a part of the leading supply-side powerhouse, Smart AdServer. With an impressive corporate family, we maintain a free-spirited and easy-going attitude. Meet our international team and feel free to reach out online.


We are always looking for enthusiastic and motivated tech lovers to join our international team. Currently, we are searching for:

Senior Go Developer (f/m)

Senior DevOps Engineer (f/m)

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